written and directed by Simon Falguières
from 15 to 23 December 2020 - Small Theater
Tuesday to Saturday at 18:30pm, Sunday at 17:30pm
Ezra is a young poet. He lives with his parents and his uncle Jean in a house, located in a small village, where all houses are alike. Uncle Jean is also the village idiot. He paints wooden characters which he names “Ms. Sun” or “Mr. Sea” or “Ms. War” or “Ms. Poetry”.
One day, Ezra’s mother dies. The whole family is in charge of preparing the funeral. Uncle Jean is to build the coffin, the father, a gardener, is to arrange the flowers, but it is down to Ezra to write the funeral eulogy. When the day comes, the young poet is at a loss for words and the funeral oration becomes a great silence.
Sarah, a neighbour who loves Ezra, gifts him a black bird. The bird doesn’t sing by day. He doesn’t sing when the night is dark. He only sings under a starry sky. Ezra decides that it is time for him to leave his closest ones and departs into the night of the world.
artistic team
written and directed by Simon Falguières
scenography Emmanuel Clolus
lighting Léandre Gans
sound design Valentin Portron
costumes Lucile Charvet
properties Alice Delarue
general management Clémentine Bollée
Le K
La Colline – théâtre national, Théâtre du Nord – Centre dramatique national de Lille / Tourcoing / Hauts-de-France, Le Préau – Centre dramatique national de Vire
Parcours Simon Falguières
Le Théâtre de La Tempête accueille, du 4 au 23 mai 2021, la création 2019 de la compagnie K, Le Nid de cendres.
Ecrit et mis en scène par Simon Falguières, ce spectacle est une tétralogie, présentée en intégrale le week-end et en 4 pièces autonomes les soirs de semaine.
Sur le plateau, coexistent deux mondes. D’un côté, l’Occident en pleine autodestruction où naît Gabriel que ses parents abandonnent à une troupe de comédiens ambulants. De l’autre, un pays de conte de fées où la princesse Anne vient au monde. Cette double naissance inaugure une geste théâtrale faite de mille histoires. De part et d’autre, les deux héros entreprennent des odyssées, croisent les ombres errantes de Shakespeare, Homère ou Sophocle.
1/3 À la recherche du bonheur
2/3 La part du mystère
3/3 Sous l'égide de Bergman