written and directed by Wajdi Mouawad
inspired by Annick Bergeron and Nayla Mouawad
from 17 June to 10 July 2021 - Main Theater
Tuesday to Saturday at 8 pm and Sunday at 4 pm
duration 2h10
Montreal - Ottawa. Where does this storm, that paralyses traffic and torments the hearts come from? Crispy snow, slippery road. Behind the wheel of her Ford Taurus, Genevieve Bergeron is overwhelmed by an emotion which blows through the interstice of her consciousness and thaws her tears. “Je ne suis qu’une chanson…” [I’m just a song] But what is it that moves her like that? Not the lyrics of Ginette Reno’s song playing on the radio. Not the pathetic burst of this song interpreted by the Quebecker diva. No. It is the acknowledgement of an absence. The absence of something essential and the lacking buried inside, the forgotten senses and silenced feelings. What Geneviève doesn’t yet know, is that this emotional shock portends a collision which will occur with another solitary body that will appear from the mist. A collision which will make the two feminine beings the recipient of greater History, its violence and the way in which the intimacy of beings can resist Time’s brutality. Soeurs is the second part of a cycle of plays entitled Domestique which began with Seuls in 2008. The third part Mère [Mother] will be created at La Colline in 2021.
artistic team
written and directed by Wajdi Mouawad
inspired by Annick Bergeron and Nayla Mouawad
performed by Annick Bergeron
staging assistant Alain Roy
dramaturgy Charlotte Farcet
scénography and scratches Emmanuel Clolus
lighting Éric Champoux with Éric Le Brec’h
video Dominique Daviet and Wajdi Mouawad
costumes Emmanuelle Thomas
music lead Christelle Franca
composition David Drury
sound design Michel Maurer
make-up Angelo Barsetti
Ginette Reno Je ne suis qu’une chanson,
Sabah Saat Saat, Jean Sibélius Étude Op. 76 nr2
La Colline – théâtre national
coproduction Au Carré de l’Hypoténuse France & Abé Carré Cé Carré Québec – compagnies de création, le Grand T– théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, Théâtre national de Chaillot, Théâtre de l’Archipel – Scène nationale de Perpignan, Quartz – Scène nationale de Brest
The text Sisters (Sœurs in French) by Wajdi Mouawad has been published in 2015 by Leméac / Actes Sud-Papiers